Old Colony Library Network
Envante. Dekouvri. Konekte.
The Turner Free Library is proud to partner with the Massachusetts Trial Court to offer access to virtual court services through the Access to Justice library initiative. The Access to Justice initiative works to ensure that all members of our community have equitable access to court resources, including virtual services. Through the Access to Justice website you can: look up case information, join a remote hearing, get help from the court service centers and front desks, find court forms, and more.
Printing and Reserving a Private Space at the Turner Free Library to Attend Court Remotely
More information about printing services and costs at the Turner Free Library.
Turner Free Library card holders can reserve the Meeting Pod or the Turner Free Studio as a private, quiet spaces to attend court remotely. For assistance in reserving a space without a library card, please email ralib@ocln.org or call 781-961-0932, ext. 4. Due to the popularity of these spaces, please make a reservation as far in advance as possible.